There's Something In My Eye, What Do I Do?

Feb 05, 2024

When something gets lodged in your eye, whether it's a speck of dust, a grain of sand, or a metal shard, it can be uncomfortable and potentially dangerous.

Many people's first instinct may be to visit their general practitioner (GP) for help, but seeing an optometrist is often the better choice. Keep reading to learn why opting for an optometrist's care when dealing with foreign bodies in the eye is crucial.

Symptoms of a Foreign Body in the Eye

Before delving into why you should choose an optometrist, let's first understand the symptoms that may indicate a foreign object in your eye:

  1. Persistent sensation of something in the eye, or a consistent scratchy or gritty feeling
  2. Pain or discomfort, especially when blinking
  3. Redness and irritation
  4. Watery eyes
  5. Sensitivity to light
  6. Difficulty seeing clearly

Complications of Untreated Foreign Bodies

Ignoring or mishandling a foreign object in the eye can lead to several complications, including:

  1. Corneal Abrasion: A foreign object rubbing against the delicate surface of the cornea can cause scratches or abrasions, leading to pain, sensitivity to light, and potential infections.
  2. Infection: Foreign bodies in the eye can introduce bacteria, fungi, or other pathogens, increasing the risk of eye infections such as conjunctivitis or keratitis.
  3. Corneal Ulcer: If left untreated, an infection resulting from a foreign body in the eye can progress to a corneal ulcer, a serious condition that may lead to permanent vision loss if not treated promptly.
  4. Vision Impairment: Even if the foreign body itself is relatively harmless, ignoring the issue can lead to infections or exacerbate underlying eye conditions which may cause temporary vision impairment.
  5. Embedded Foreign Body: In some cases, particularly with metal fragments or sharp objects, the foreign body may become embedded in the eye, requiring specialized removal techniques to prevent further damage to the health of your eye and your vision.

Why Opt for an Optometrist

Now that we understand the potential risks of leaving a foreign body in the eye untreated, let's discuss why consulting an optometrist is preferable to visiting a GP:

  1. Specialized Expertise: Optometrists specialize in eye care and have extensive training and experience in diagnosing and treating eye-related issues, including foreign bodies.
  2. Equipment and Tools: Optometrists have access to specialized equipment and tools, such as slit lamps and magnifying lenses, which enable them to thoroughly examine the eye and safely remove foreign objects.
  3. Immediate Attention: Optometrists often have shorter wait times and can provide prompt attention for eye emergencies, ensuring timely treatment which minimizes the risk of complications.
  4. Comprehensive Care: After removing the foreign body, optometrists can provide guidance on looking after your eye while it's healing. This can include recommendations for lubricating eye drops to lessen discomfort, prescriptions for medicated eye drops if necessary.
  5. Follow-Up Care: Your optometrist can provide follow-up care in the days after having a foreign body removed to monitor for any signs of infection or other complications, offering you peace of mind.

When it comes to foreign bodies in the eye, our experienced Optometrists are here to help. Their knowledge, access to specific equipment and tools, and ability to provide prompt assessment and treatment make us the ideal choice for addressing eye-related concerns.

Your vision is priceless, if you have any concerns regarding your eyes, our team at Somerville & Merrin Optometrists are here to help.

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